Emma and Senora Maria |
An important part of our trip to Honduras this year, is learning more
about the culture, daily lives and ways we can partner with our
brothers and sisters here to bring glory to God. On Monday, we all went
up to Izopo and spent wonderful time with Marlon and Emma. Marlon is
the school teacher here and an integral part of advancement in the Izopo
communities. I spent most of the time questioning and talking with
Emma (via translators Phil and Michele) about the daily lives of the
families, concerns in the community, and available healthcare. Emma has
such a beautiful spirit! She graciously welcomed us in her beautiful
home, answered our many questions, and showed us her gardens and
chickens. She is very enterprising trying new items in her gardens;
strawberries were in a field happily growing. Her hens and rooster
looked so healthy, as did her peach trees. She and Marlon are setting
such good examples of how to take care of their home, grounds and raise
food to be healthy. Her many thoughts and insights will be integral to
Phil, Kathy and me as we prepare to have our first 'Health Fair'. Phil
will be discussing the harmful effects of smoking, drugs, and alcohol,
Kathy will cover First Aid and have a special Women's class, and I will
cover Nutrition and Dental. We are praying that these will lay a
foundation for future opportunities to help the health education of the
people of Izopo.
Personally, the beauty of the mountains just enthralls me. The
sweetness and smiles of the people simply touch my heart. We got to
meet Emma's mother yesterday, Senora Maria. I have a picture of us
together and I look so tall standing next to her! This is one of the
few places I get to feel tall! Ha! We look forward to sharing more of
our experiences here. Perhaps you could come next year!
Jeanne Evans