Monday, June 17, 2013

Laundry time in Uganda.

Laundry done by hand and hung to dry. Then every item ironed.
Here is a picture of how we are having our laundry done.  It is always done by hand and then dried on the line.  Once dried, every piece must be ironed to kill any bugs that may have made a home in the fabric.  Terzol, Abel and Peter, the church guards, needed a new iron, so we provided them with one.  The bottom of one they were using had dropped out and another was leaking water.  Both of them sounded dangerous to use.  They typically would iron their clothes on their beds, so we also provided them with a new ironing board.  We’ll be teaching them how to iron with the board this evening.  It is amazing how we as Americans have adjusted to so many little things that make our days a little more simple ... like a good iron and board.

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