-- volunteering at Solidaridad
Millie and Nancy volunteer with Solidaridad, but Millie works for UNO / Group Terra, a gas station chain in Honduras that has donated old vinyl advertising banners that are repurposed into children's back packs.
Sherry Moyner and her family moved from Lewisburg, PA. Sherry helps empower women with knitting and crocheting skills so the women of Izopo can sell their wares.
Edmundo is a Boy Scout leader who has been volunteering with Solidaridad for 2 1/2 years bringing his older scouts to teach crafts to children. This year the scouts taught origami. They also work with Walmart in Tegucigalpa with food matching. For every item donated Walmart donates a like item, which is distributed to families in Izopo.
Claudia and Osman have been working with Solidaridad 3 years and 2 years respectively. They teach bible lessons and songs to children while their mothers participate in adult lessons (knitting, gardening, parenting, etc.)
Irena and her sister Larissa are new to Solidaridad. Irena is an executive in a group that works with ''international cooperation.'' Like our North Central team, they came to watch Solidaridad in action.
Hanging out at Baxter Institute:
Carol Bailey, a missionary from Ft Worth, Texas comes to Honduras once a year and along with an interpreter visits with people in mountain villages and shares Jesus love for them. Carol also spends a significant amount of time taking Jesus to Russia and Ukraine.
Jay Abel's, former missionary in Argentina, spends at least two weeks a year in Honduran mountains preaching Jesus. Together at times and separately at times, Carol and Jay work in eight individual churches northwest of Tegucigalpa.
Students at Baxter Institute:
Fior from Dominican Republic.
Yader Sanchez from Nicaragua
Ruben Diaz, from Honduras. This semester all are studying Theology, Hebrew, English and Pastoral Letters. We met several times with Baxter students to play games, to sing and to practice English.
These are just a few of the people we met. With some we will continue friendships through Facebook, but for others, especially those without access to a computer or to Internet, we'll see them next year. In fact that's why we took so many photos and why we recorded names; so we can remember the relationships not as a ministry or admission effort, but as special friendships created- and through His power- united in Christ.
Leslie Kenney