Yesterday, I did get to go to Roberta's house and spend time with kiddos. Started with the kindergarten class and we had a " Painting Party"! Showed the children how to take their shapes and use them to help draw pictures of things around them. Then we broke out the water colors and had a great time creating art. Water was spilled numerous times, colors were mixed and lots of paper were used...the perfect party! Good conversation, special pictures were taken and I even received an invitation to snack time, a great wrap-up to a fun morning. Then it was nap time and I headed out to the field next to Roberta's where the farming projects happen. There's a team of men from Healing Hands helping the family start preparing to raise rabbits. First, on the list was building the enclosure. You can see them working away behind Ben who is the foreground holding an eggplant from their garden. They raise several vegetables, chickens (sell the eggs), and have a small grove of banana trees where several are loaded with fruit ripening right now.
Ben, in garden. |
Ben, along with his brother Matochee, proudly showed me around their Tilapia farm. They have 3 tanks dividing eggs and babies, mid-sized fish and the large, ready to eat or sell size. My tour ended with the women's group busily sewing under a porch covering. They have found a market for bags made by Haitians with Haiti sewn on them. Roberta reports they are delighted to take their profits and give the first 10% to The Lord, pay themselves and then put rest back into their business. What delighted me especially is Roberta's account of how their self-esteem has grown with these accomplishments; also, though, how they are looking around now and helping those who need help and how much joy they have doing so. God is truly being glorified by these enterprising sisters in The Lord.
Tomorrow our team heads to Gantier for our first clinic this year. Please lift the people in that area in your prayers, and for the team to show them the love of Christ as we serve there.
Blessings from Haiti,