Dear Readers, Here is an update: Sunday night September 3, we attended Living stream meeting which is a meeting of young adults. We were super encouraged by the faith they cling to.
On Monday, September, 3, 2012 [we visited] chicken project in Ndejje, a 40 minute drive from Kampala. The goal is to train folks how to care for chickens and to begin a life-care group. Ndejje is a mostly Muslim community. Nearby is a village called Kibiri where a school is being built. Kindergarten will begin in March. There is one teacher so far, but needs two since expectation is 30 students.
Later we visited Chebondo village for lunch at Okello's house where a wonderful meal was served.
On Tuesday we went to Gganda where the church meets in the front yard of Jonathan Katerega who recently converted from practicing witchcraft. Some of us walked to a site where witchcraft was practiced, but due to recent conversions has been turned into a site where young Christians sleep. The holy spirit of God has now replaced the bad spirits. Willington, a Christian from Kampala church, told me that, "Most converts from witchcraft love God more because of the bad place from which they have come."
On Wednesday we spent the day at Wabegalo church. There we sang, the children performed, Steve spoke, and we ate a large meal together. Five people were baptized. They showed much bravery since the idea of submerging one's head under water here is terrifying. We toured the maize project where Jim took soil samples determining that lime was needed for the best corn crop. It is about 2 acres in size. Corn is needed because it stores easily in times of drought.
On Thursday plans to visit the new church-plant in Kasangiti changed when part of the team visited
an injured friend. In the evening we visited a life group at Emmanual's home. Many are from Congo.