On Friday, we had an opportunity to learn about the rural bank system in the Izopo area, one of the most effective parts of the Solidaridad effort. Doris, the director of the Solidaridad work in the area, is an expert on rural banks. Most of the Izopo people have never used a bank, so this is a great opportunity to learn to save some of their hard-earned money for larger purchases.
Saturday was the Solidaridad Community Day, when all the residents gathered for teaching about preventing dengue fever, while the children were taught Bible lessons and played games. Some of our group attended the festivities, playing with the children and talking with friends and volunteers.
At the same time, a group of men from North Central worked with men from a Pennsylvania church to pour a cement floor for a family from the Izopo church of Christ. It was very hard work, since they did the cement the Honduran way - mixing it with shovels in a pile on the ground! The family is delighted with the new floor, and the men survived the tough day.
The youth group has also had a very busy few days. Their blog is coming soon.