Saturday, January 25, 2014
Love from Uganda.
One of the new brothers baptized last Sunday blessed us with some of his own artwork made from egg shells, tea and beans.
Discussing doctrinal issues with the Kampala leadership.
Our last set of doctrinal issues to be discussed included marriage, women preaching and in leadership roles, and demons and dreams. Marriage and women preaching pretty much took the whole day yesterday to discuss and some have said it was their favorite topics to learn. We certainly have seen the Lord at work in our discussions opening our eyes to the scriptures as we have been studying and praying. A special moment occurred when a friend, Edward, of our friend April Bumgardner from North Central, met us at the church while we were discussing marriage. It happens that he is a member of the Uganda Parliament and has two master degrees from Abilene Christian University. He is here with the rest of his family and is looking for new friends, especially in the church. He was going to meet us on Sunday for lunch, but needed to go with the President of Uganda to a meeting in Northern Uganda instead. His early arrival was actually perfect timing as we were discussing the Ugandan laws about marriage. We were questioning what marriage really meant according to Ugandan law. This was a question, because many have said couples who have had a traditional wedding according to their own customs is not a real legal marriage and only a marriage in a church is legal. Edward arrived at the perfect moment to explain the marriage laws and we all gave credit to God for this timing. It reminds me of when Ruth just happened to cross the field of Boaz. It seems that it was a coincident, but clearly God intended for her to meet Boaz. Likewise, we believe God intended for Edward to help clear up controversy concerning marriage, Ugandan laws and the state of marriages in the church.
More teaching on Christ centered, spirit inspired preaching.
What is spirit inspired Christ centered preaching, was the topic for teaching today. Several who are in a role of preaching and teaching came to learn. A current issue in preaching is one where the Holy Spirit is targeted to be glorified and not so much Jesus. A key verse Acts 4:7 demonstrated this point as the Holy Spirit filled Peter, answered the rulers with focus on Jesus.
Acts 4:8-12 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the people! If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. He is 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." (NIV)
Cross-cultural words and processes.
Ugandan’s don’t usually use ice in their beverages and it seems ice cream melts before you can even enjoy it. Here is a picture of Jimmy learning what Brain Freeze means. When Steve asked him if he was having brain freeze from the ice cream, the Ugandan’s nearly fell out of their chairs laughing because they never heard the expression and thought Steve was suggesting that Jimmy had frozen brains ... We thought it was pretty funny ...maybe you had to be there.
This morning we met with the lawyer who is processing the Kampala Church of Christ Ministries registration. This registration is needed to complete the purchase of the property in Wakiso that is being used for the new Vine Christian Academy. Only one more signature is left to complete the process and the team already has permission according to the written agreement to open the school at the beginning of February. Now we are on our way to meet the 19 children who will be part of the grand opening this February.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Thursday power lunch.
The Lord is working mightily in Kampala. Every Thursday at lunch time, KCC members and members of the community come for a devotional worshipping God in unity. Today they asked Steve to teach a lesson and he spoke from Jeremiah. Taking a break like this through the busy week is a great blessing for all who attend.
Steve continues teaching the Word to leaders of the Kampala church.
Communion – was the topic discussed for today. We reviewed what the scriptures said in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and 1 Corinthians. One observation was that the only command from Jesus concerning the Lord’s Supper was as often as you do it, do it in remembrance of Him. We also saw how over time, we tend to revise the command based on what we have always done . The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to remember Jesus.
1 Cor 11:25
In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." (NIV 2011)
Fasting – In fasting we learned that it is a practice that brings us closer to God and helps us with our awareness of God as oppsed to a practice that helps us get what we think we need or want. We learned that even through prayer, ultimately, God maks the final decision about what is best for us and for the world. The only command in the Bible to fast was for the Israelites on the Day of Atonement.
Lev 16:29-31 "This is standard practice for you, a perpetual ordinance. On the tenth day of the seventh month, both the citizen and the foreigner living with you are to enter into a solemn fast and refrain from all work, 30 because on this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. In the presence of God you will be made clean of all your sins. 31 It is a Sabbath of all Sabbaths. You must fast. It is a perpetual ordinance. (from THE MESSAGE)
Instrumental Music and Clapping – Our worship needs to be about God, as leaders we try to help people to be relevant in worship and not be focused on personal preference.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the Ministry of Jesus
We are now talking about the various issues that the church in Kampala faces as they seek to share the good news about Jesus. One issue is around the role of the Holy Spirit. In Uganda, there is a great focus on the spirit in religion. Some say that if you don’t speak in tongues or have a certain gift of the spirit, you are not spirit filled. Some focus so much on the spirit and the spirit’s gifts, that they lose focus on Jesus. It is possible that they have become filled with deceiving spirits that are evil, not the Holy Spirit. They also are lacking in the “fruit” of the Holy Spirit and tend to glorify themselves because of the gifts they have. The Holy Spirit filled person focuses and testifies about Jesus. Jesus is their center, not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables them to testify about Jesus. They have the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
The teaching continues.
Photos from our Sunday morning worship.
Enjoying roasted maize in Wakiso!
One of the church community development projects is the Maize in Wakiso. Church members farm 2.5 acres of maize and the harvest is now. Rebecca roasted it for us and we enjoyed snacking on it. It is a very firm kernel with the taste of popcorn. Jim Risk sent over more hand held corn shuckers for Francis and Mbaziira to share with the team.
Our work has begun in Kampala.
Our journey to Uganda started at 10:45AM on January 15. Thirty hours later, Steve and Leslie Kenney and I arrived in Entebbe, Uganda. We were greeted by several dear friends from the church in Kampala and as always it was so exciting to see them. We had a good night’s rest at the Tagy Hotel which is right next to the church. The same attendants were there at the hotel to greet us. Our first day was spent at the church building resting and visiting with our extended family. Many members of the church and folks from the community do not have jobs, so, they come to the church for friendship and fellowship even throughout the week.
Our activities began on Friday when we met with the church advisory committee to discuss our trip objectives. With a flip chart, we documented several issues that the church is facing. Where the church meets is a home for many in the community to not only spend time fellowshipping, reading books from the library, but also, many come to worship the Lord. Several people who participate in Life Care Groups, are also members at other churches in the community. This mixture of people with different views on the Bible tends to create various issuessimilar to any other church anywhere else in the world. Though the issues are common to us, they are never the less difficult to determine how to address and maintain unity in the church. As such, our trip objectives will be to help create a framework for the leaders and members to consider the issues and have a better way of addressing them.
The next day, Steve spoke on a Narrative of the Bible. This is basically what he has been preaching over the last two years at North Central, but compacted into four hours. The lesson and discussion afterward helped the roughly thirty attendees to learn that there is a bigger view of what God is doing in the world and we exist for the sake of God’s purpose and what He is doing in the world. This was a new thought and formed the basis for putting the issues into perspective.
Today is Sunday. We will worship together this morning, have lunch and then continue the teaching. Steve will continue teaching and working with the Advisory Committee concerning the issues that face them. Please pray for open hearts and a deeper understanding of the Lord’s Word.
Yours in Christ,
Nancy Harbron
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Steve Kenney takes a moment from speaking to the Advisory Committee. |
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