Whenever we visit the home of Rebecca, I indeed feel at home. Rebecca manages the kitchen at the church and has come from having literally nothing to having a thriving business. Since 2001. She has purchased property, built a home and now has more property where she has a large garden. She plans to have an orphanage one day with a school. We had the joy of picking produce from her garden and then preparing it in her home.
Picking beans off the vines that is growing up the small banana tree. |
Sunday was a very special day as several people from the Wakiso church joined in the services at KCC. The children lead us in songs that were composed by Mr. Mbazira. The Youth Group leads in more praise songs. I had the privilege to share communion comments based on scriptures relating to the eternal hope gifted to all of us by God. Next, we were amazed and overjoyed to see two Muslim women commit their lives to Christ and then were baptized in a trough.
Here are just a few of them celebrating God’s provisions.
I always enjoy spending a day with Rebecca and Peter (a church guard), cooking in the church Kitchen. While we had planned a day for the three of us, a few other single men also wanted to learn. They learned how to make Polish Perogies, and Cinnamon and Rice Soup. Both dishes are low cost and can be cooked on the coal cookers. It was fun to see them start experimenting by stuffing the dough with Ugandan foods like beads, rice, and cabbage.
Another great joy is to see the majesty of God through all of His creation. Even greater is seeing the Ugandan’s enjoy seeing God’s creation in their own country. This time, we were able to bring Terzol, Isaac, Sheba and Able to Queen Elizabeth National Park. David was our driver. One animal that I have never seen at the park is the hyena. Hyena’s are known to be nocturnal, very illusive and are rarely seen. David was keen on finding one. Each morning we would ask the park rangers where we might find them. They would always tell us that they could not pinpoint where they would be next. Just as we entered the gates one morning, and asked the guards again, we started driving down a long dirt path. We were just about to pray that God would lead us to the hyena when off in the distance, guess what was running down the road toward us? A hyena!! It was amazing, as we drove toward it, it ran toward us. As we got a good look at it and watched it run, it took off into the field. A few minutes later we saw another running another direction. Wow!! It brought to mind the verse, Isa 65:24 - Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” God is Goooood!
Spotting a hyena at Queen Elizabeth National Park. |