Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Grasshoppers, everywhere!

Apparently this is the season for grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are big business. In western Uganda, there are thousands of collection sites for grasshoppers. They put up big floodlights over top of sloped sheets of tin. The tin ends in rain barrels which have sacks in them. The grasshoppers are attracted by the light, land on the tin and slide down into the barrels. They are then cooked- like stir fried with or without spices and eaten in great quantity. The sellers on the street even have take out containers if you don't want to stand there and eat them. Everyone I've asked about them always says, "Oh, you can make a lot of money from grasshoppers." Then they say, "but it's seasonal. " : ) Today in the class, one little girl had a small container with about 8-10 grasshoppers in it. We had to pause a few times as she found some more. We wanted to make sure she put it in her container. Another little boy found another 1 or 2 and Nancy tried to get him to put them in the other girl's container, not knowing you don't mess with someone's grasshoppers! They are serious business. I have promised I will try them while I'm here so I will let you know how they taste!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you tried them. I thought they were quite yummy!
